
Friday, December 14, 2012

Get in the Christmas Spirit

For awhile now I haven't felt a true Christmas Spirit. You know the anticipation, the extreme decorations, the pure joy of it all. It started last year when I didn't even know what day of the month we were on until Christmas Eve and then Christmas was gone. Sure I got presents, saw my family, and had a great dinner but that was it.

This year I'm having some of the same problems, but I want to celebrate Christmas for the gift it is. Even though Christmas was never originally about Jesus, its still the fact that He came down from His throne to save us sorry suckers. And its about family, one day of the year when all of the family drama is in one place but we try to ignore it and have a fantastic time. And its about the food, the amazing food that lasts till the 31st.

So if you're having some of the same problems as me or even if you're not, put on some Christmas music, watch A Charlie Brown Christmas, make some hot chocolate, and go be with your family.

Happy Holiday and keep it Typical TeenAge

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