
Monday, December 3, 2012

I Went to Snow Mountain

I went to Snow Mountain, I went to Snow Mountain. Super fun, was not as cold as I thought it would be, and a little bit of a workout. My brother my mom and I went down the tube runners 3 time each. Lol no matter how hard you try you cannot steer that tube. Then we went on Avalanche Alley, now that was the real attraction. Higher than the tube runners and much faster. You are in a blue tube that can fit five and then you go over the edge....... To the adrenaline junky I suggest going down backwards.  

After maybe 2 hours of tubing we went to the Forever Christmas show at the Magnolia Theater, witch was incredibly annoying to find (my feet were hurting). But anyway it was a pretty good show singing and dancing and rapping, I was not prepared for that last one. And as a treat for the kids there is a sort of puppet show if you like that sort of thing.

I also recommend the Polar Express experience in 4D. A loud and a little wet at times 20 minute sum up of the movie. There was a pitiful parade a 6 but it had bubbles so...

After that we decorated cookies in the Memorial Hall, well I decorated a cookie and it turned out pretty well if I do say so my self. And for dinner we had fried chicken, corn on the cob, rolls, beans, and funnel cake, and washed it down with a cherry frosty.

It was a good day and I hope you get to enjoy one like it. Keep it Typical TeenAge.

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