
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rise of the Guardians... Best Holiday Movie Ever

So I got to see a screening of Rise of the Guardians and let me tell you it was so awesome, my mind was blown. So a boy finds himself on a frozen lake and all he knows is his name, Jack Frost, and the only reason he knows that is because the moon told him so. After 300 years of being invisible and not knowing who he is or where he came from, this mischevious boy who can cause blizzards and snow days for children is recruited to be a guardian along side the Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman), Santa Cluase(Alec Baldwin), the Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher), and the Sandman. A guardian's job is to protect the children of the world, nauty or nice. But Jack isn't sure he is up to the job until he finds out that he had a life before he became Jack Frost, a life that he can find out about if he can help the guardians defeat Pitch the Boogie Man(Jude Law).

So let me just say that the Sandman, even though he never said a word, was the most beast character ever and yes I mean beast not best. And Hugh Jackman as Bunny was beautiful, I am now in love with the Easter Bunny. This movie will become a holiday classic and will be added to abc family's countdown 25 days to christmas........ in about 4 or 5 years, but it will be there or they will be getting a strongly worded letter from me.

This movie was amazing, talking about believing in yourself, your inner child, your faith whatever it may be. I give this movie 5 stars it was extraordinary. I hope you see it.

Keep it Typical TeenAge

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